wipo program and budget 2020

ESTABLISHING A "DEVELOPMENT AGENDA" FOR THE WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION. $302,100,000. [Update: The final decisions text from the week is now available here on the WIPO website.] Republic of Korea. SEP FY20 state allocations Status of the Payment of Contributions as at June 30, 2016, État de paiement des contributions au 30 juin 2016, Situación relativa al pago de las contribuciones al 30 de junio de 2016. This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections. Data cited at: "Program and Budget"@ WIPO which is made available under a BY 3.0 IGO License WIPO Program and Budget - knoema.com Data Products Insights Data Partners Accessed On: 08 May, 2020. The Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office (WIP) is part of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and supports DOE's mission to create greater energy affordability, security, and resiliency. “Major progress was made. This is our main accountability tool for reporting on our organizational performance. ОТЧЕТ О РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРОГРАММЫ ЗА 2014-2015 ГГ. WIPO, Arbor Media, Lda - Broadcast & Conference Applications. PCT – The International Patent System; Madrid – The International Trademark System; Hague – The International Design System; Lisbon – The International System of Geographical Indications The fellowship responds to the reciprocal needs for stronger capacity in the rapidly growing domain of indigenous IP law and for strengthened capacity on IP law and policy for indigenous lawyers and policy advisers. Note: During live webcasting, some users may experience a short time-lag between the appearance of the speaker tag in the timeline and the corresponding video feed. Annual Financial Report and Financial Statements 2015, Rapport financier annuel et etats financiers pour 2015, Informe financiero anual y estados financieros de 2015. Achievements thus far are in line with similar initiatives when measured using comparable Mandatory fields are marked as (required). As the WIPO Annual Assemblies draw to a close this week, governments face a dramatic stand-off over the organisation’s biennial Program and Budget. WIPO Conversation On Intellectual Property And Artificial Intelligence (WIPO/IP/AI/2/GE/20) Day 1 27/02/2020 10:42 Ethics & New Technology: The Case for Responsible Innovation PCT – The International Patent System; Madrid – The International Trademark System; Hague – The International Design System; Lisbon – The International System of Geographical Indications Select Dataset. Medium-Term Strategic Plan for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for 2016-2021, Plan stratégique à moyen terme de l’Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (OMPI) pour 2016-2021, Plan estratégico a mediano plazo de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) para 2016-2021. Seminar on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources (WIPO/IPTK/GE/21) Day 1. Brief summaries of sessions of WIPO’s Program and Budget Committee (PBC). This text provides a revised strategic framework and program structure for WIPO, estimated expenditure for 2008/09, and revised program narratives which revolve around 9 strategic goals: balanced evolution of the international normative framework for IP, provision of premier global IP services, facilitating the use of IP for development, coordination and development of Global IP … Copyright: WIPO. 20/01/2021 11:59. Mandatory fields are marked as (required). WIPO is currently in the process of developing a comprehensive Policy on Gender Equality and a related Action Plan. We believe that WIPO and Member States need to consider very seriously ways to improve oversight, transparency and accountability mechanisms, and to put in place safeguards that ensure Member States and the relevant UN Security Council sanction committees are properly consulted in the future before projects in countries subject to UN Security Council sanctions are approved. Opening of new WIPO External Offices during the 2016/17 Biennium, Ouverture de nouveaux bureaux exterieurs de l’OMPI au cours de l’exercice biennal 2016 2017, Apertura de nuevas oficinas de la OMPI en el exterior durante el bienio 2016/17. Saving Energy and Money for American Homes, Communities, Businesses, and Industries. Benchmarks . ОТКРЫТИЕ НОВЫХ ВНЕШНИХ БЮРО ВОИС В ТЕЧЕНИЕ ДВУХЛЕТНЕГО ПЕРИОДА 2016-2017 ГГ. It details objectives, performance measures and budgetary planning for all proposed activities. -. The Academy works to help … Final Report on the New Construction Project and The second part of this report will be presented at a later date. Data cited at: "Program and Budget"@ WIPO which is made available under a BY 3.0 IGO License WIPO is unusual among UN organizations in that we are almost entirely self-financing. As the WIPO Annual Assemblies draw to a close this week, governments face a dramatic stand-off over the organisation’s biennial Program and Budget. 15/12/2020 12:00. The WIPO Program and Budget Committee met from 13-18 September. Unless a series of its demands regarding the organisation’s financing and treaty-making processes are met, the United States is refusing to approve the WIPO budget – a decision Member States normally take by consensus. CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, تقرير لجنة الويبو الاستشارية المستقلة للرقابة, تقرير هيئة التحكيم التابعة للجنة الويبو الاستشارية المستقلة للرقابة, تقرير هيئة التحكيم التابعة للجنة الويبو الاستشارية المستقلة للرقابة Further information on this meeting. OFA. 34, chemin des Colombettes The U.S. Department of Energy’s State Energy Program (SEP) provides funding and technical assistance to states, territories, and the District of Columbia to enhance energy security, advance state-led energy initiatives, and maximize the benefits of decreasing energy waste. ОТЧЕТ ОТДЕЛА ВНУТРЕННЕГО НАДЗОРА (ОВН) О ПРОВЕРКЕ ДОСТОВЕРНОСТИ ИНФОРМАЦИИ, ПРЕДСТАВЛЕННОЙ В ОТЧЕТЕ О РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРОГРАММЫ (ОРП) ЗА 2014–2015 ГГ. All meeting documents are here. WIPO’s Strategic Goals and Programs are aligned with the priorities set in the 2030 Agenda. Further information on this meeting. September 24, 2018. Nifty 14,371.90-218.45. The United States notes that regrettably none of our suggested edits to Program 6 of the draft Program and Budget 2016/17 have been included in the revised version, and therefore, stands ready to constructively engage in the continued discussion of these important points at the upcoming PBC session in September.The United States appreciates the continued commitment by those member … Since 2018, the WIPO Program and Budget establishes a link between the Organization’s Strategic Goals and the SDGs. PROGRAM AND BUDGET FOR THE 2012/13 BIENNIUM Approved by the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO on September 29, 2011, subject to: “Efforts by the Secretariat to reduce expenditure through cost efficiency measures by 10.2 million Swiss francs, from 647.4 million Swiss francs to 637.2 million Swiss francs, through, СРЕДНЕСРОЧНЫЙ СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЙ ПЛАН ВСЕМИРНОЙ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (ВОИС) НА 2016-2021 ГГ. More about the PBC: http://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/topic.jsp?group_id=101. Headquarters review 2. Madrid – The International Trademark System, Lisbon – The International System of Geographical Indications, Budapest – The International Microorganism Deposit System, Centralized Access to Search and Examination (CASE), SCCR - Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, SCP - Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, SCT - Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, IGC - Intergovernmental Committee on IP & GR, TK & Folklore, Program and Budget for the 2020/21 Biennium, Program and Budget for the 2018/19 Biennium, Results Framework Chart for the 2018/19 biennium. CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. et le projet de nouvelle salle de conférence, Informe final sobre el proyecto de construcción del nuevo edificio y el proyecto de construcción de la nueva sala de conferencias, ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ОТЧЕТ ПО ПРОЕКТАМ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА НОВОГО АДМИНИСТРАТИВНОГО ЗДАНИЯ И НОВОГО КОНФЕРЕНЦ-ЗАЛА, Progress Report on the Implementation of a Comprehensive Integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, Rapport sur l’etat d’avancement d’un systeme integre et global de planification des ressources de l’organisation, Informe sobre la marcha de la instauración de un sistema global e integrado de planificación de los recursos institucionales (PRI), ОТЧЕТ О ХОДЕ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ВСЕОБЪЕМЛЮЩЕЙ КОМПЛЕКСНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ПЛАНИРОВАНИЯ ОБЩЕОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫХ РЕСУРСОВ (ПОР), Proposals on After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI Liability), Propositions concernant les obligations au titre de l’Assurance maladie apres la cessation de service (AMCS), Propuestas sobre el pasivo dimanante del Seguro de salud tras la separación del servicio (ASHI), ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В ОТНОШЕНИИ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВ ПО МЕДИЦИНСКОМУ СТРАХОВАНИЮ ПОСЛЕ ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЯ СЛУЖБЫ (МСПС, Review of Allocation Methodology for the Income and Budget by Union, Examen de la méthode de répartition des recettes et du budget par union, Revisión de la metodología de consignación de los ingresos y los gastos presupuestados por unión, ОБЗОР МЕТОДОЛОГИИ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ДОХОДОВ И БЮДЖЕТА ПО СОЮЗАМ, Review of Medium-Term Strategic Plan 2010-2015, Examen du plan stratégique à moyen terme pour 2010-2015, Examen del plan estratégico a mediano plazo 2010 2015. session of the Program and Budget Committee (PBC), focuses on headquarters review, budget and financial issues, personnel practice s, oversight and the proposed new WIPO building. Program and Budget Committee, the Program and Budget constitutes a complete picture of the plans and aspirations of the Organization for the 2020/21 biennium and of the recurrent and capital expenditure that is proposed for achieving Предложения (общее число: 18), полученные от государств- ленов, о размещении на своей территории внешних бюро ВОИС в двухлетнем периоде 2016-2017 гг. WIPO Program and Budget (Program 18). تصويب, التقرير السنوي لمدير شعبة الرقابة الداخلية, تقرير مرحلي عن تنفيذ توصيات وحدة التفتيش المشتركة, تقرير التثبيت لشعبة الرقابة الداخلية بشأن تقرير أداء البرنامج للثنائية 2014/15, التقرير المالي السنوي والبيانات المالية السنوية لعام 2015, فتح مكاتب خارجية جديدة للويبو خلال الثنائية 2016/17, التقرير النهائي عن مشروع البناء الجديد ومشروع قاعة المؤتمرات الجديدة, تقرير مرحلي عن تنفيذ نظام شامل ومتكامل للتخطيط للموارد المؤسسية, اقتراحات بشأن التزامات التأمين الصحي بعد انتهاء الخدمة, استعراض منهجية تخصيص الإيرادات والميزانية بحسب كل اتحاد, استعراض الخطة الاستراتيجية للأجل المتوسط 2010-2015, الخطة الاستراتيجية متوسطة الأجل للمنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية (الويبو) للفترة 2016-2021, اقتراح المجموعة باء بشأن البند 17 من جدول الأعمال: قضايا الحوكمة, أحدث المستجدات بشأن اقتراح التحوّط لإيرادات معاهدة التعاون بشأن البراءات, اقتراحات وردت من دول أعضاء (18) بشأن استضافة مكتب خارجي للويبو في الثنائية 2017-2016 وفقًا للمبادئ التوجيهية بشأن مكاتب الويبو الخارجية في الثنائية, Madrid – The International Trademark System, Lisbon – The International System of Geographical Indications, Budapest – The International Microorganism Deposit System, Centralized Access to Search and Examination (CASE), SCCR - Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, SCP - Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, SCT - Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, IGC - Intergovernmental Committee on IP & GR, TK & Folklore, Health Safety Form for Meeting Participants, WO/PBC/25/REF/EOS ORIGINALS OF 18 PROPOSALS, Rapport annuel sur les ressources humaines, Annual Report on Human Resources - Corrigendum, Rapport annuel sur les ressources humaines - Rectificatif, Informe anual sobre recursos humanos - Corrección, ГОДОВОЙ ОТЧЕТ О ЛЮДСКИХ РЕСУРСАХ - КОРРИГЕНДУМ, Report by the WIPO Independent Advisory Oversight Committee (IAOC), Rapport de l’Organe consultatif independant de surveillance (OCIS) de l’OMPI, Informe de la Comisión Consultiva Independiente de Supervisión (CCIS), ОТЧЕТ НЕЗАВИСИМОГО КОНСУЛЬТАТИВНОГО КОМИТЕТА ВОИС ПО НАДЗОРУ (НККН), Report of the WIPO Independent Advisory Oversight Committee (IAOC) Selection Panel, Rapport du jury de sélection de l’Organe consultatif indépendant de surveillance (OCIS) de l’OMPI, Informe del Comité de Selección para el nombramiento de nuevos miembros de la Comisión Consultiva Independiente de Supervisión (CCIS) de la OMPI, ОТЧЕТ ОТБОРОЧНОЙ КОМИССИИ НЕЗАВИСИМОГО КОНСУЛЬТАТИВНОГО КОМИТЕТА ВОИС ПО НАДЗОРУ (НККН), Report of the WIPO Independent Advisory Oversight Committee (IAOC) Selection Panel: Corrigendum, Rapport du jury de sélection de l’Organe consultatif indépendant de surveillance (OCIS) de l’OMPI: Rectificatif, Informe del Comité de Selección para el nombramiento de nuevos miembros de la Comisión Consultiva Independiente de Supervisión (CCIS) de la OMPI: Corrección, ОТЧЕТ ОТБОРОЧНОЙ КОМИССИИ НЕЗАВИСИМОГО КОНСУЛЬТАТИВНОГО КОМИТЕТА ВОИС ПО НАДЗОРУ (НККН): Исправление, Rapport du vérificateur externe des comptes, Annual Report by the Director of the Internal Oversight Division (IOD), Rapport annuel du directeur de la Division de la supervision interne (DSI), Informe Anual del Director de la División de Supervisión Interna (DSI), ГОДОВОЙ ОТЧЕТ ДИРЕКТОРА ОТДЕЛА ВНУТРЕННЕГО НАДЗОРА (ОВН), Progress report on the implementation of the Joint Inspection Unit’s (JIU) recommendations, Rapport sur l’état d’avancement de la mise en œuvre des recommandations du Corps Commun d’Inspection (CCI), Informe sobre los progresos realizados en la aplicación de las recomendaciones de la Dependencia Común de Inspección (DCI), ОТЧЕТ О ХОДЕ ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИЙ ОБЪЕДИНЕННОЙ ИНСПЕКЦИОННОЙ ГРУППЫ (ОИГ), Rapport sur l’execution du programme en 2014-2015, INFORME SOBRE EL RENDIMIENTO DE LOS PROGRAMAS EN 2014/15. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified indigenous individuals for the WIPO Indigenous Fellowship program 2019-2020. WIPO Academy. Donor funding: national governments and, to a limited extent, the private sector. If there is a delay, state agencies operate at their appropriation authority from the prior budget until the new budget is in effect. Working Group on the Legal Development of the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs (H/LD/WG/9) Day 2. NSE Gainer-Large Cap . For best results, please complete this form in Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Globally, 1.4 million patents were granted in 2017. The Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office (WIP) is part of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and supports DOE's mission to create greater energy affordability, security, and resiliency. WIPO is a unique organisation among the UN organisations, it’s activities largely are self-funded, according to the Program and Budget of WIPO for the year 2020-2021, the expected income for the biennium will be over 880 million Swiss francs and the expected expenditure is 768 million Swiss francs. Internal Oversight Division (IOD) Validation Report for the Program Performance Report for 2014/15, Rapport de validation du rapport sur l’execution du programme en 2014 2015 par la Division de la supervision interne (DSI), Informe de validación por la División de supervisión interna del Informe sobre el rendimiento de los programas (informe PPR) en 2014/15. In our Program and Budget for the 2020-21 biennium, we estimate that our overall income for the biennium will reach over 880 million Swiss francs, and that our expenditure will amount to about 768 million Swiss francs. WIPO has significant financial resources independent of the contributions from its member states In December 2011 , WIPO published it’s first world property report on the changing face of innovations , the first such report of the new office of the chief economist WIPO is also a co-publisher of the global innovation index 6. In-kind contributions by WIPO GREEN partners. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Indigenous Fellowship 2019/2020 in Geneva,Switzerland (Fully Funded) By. World Intellectual Property Report 2017 - Intangible Capital in Global Value Chains. Articles 18, 31 and 41 of the UNDRIP are of particular relevance for WIPO’s program of “I think the General Assembly will be happy with us,” the meeting chair said at the end. WIPO Summer School Program • Offered annually in different countries for students and young professionals, with an interdisciplinary and problem‑solving approach. In our Program and Budget for the 2020-21 biennium, we estimate that our overall income for the biennium will reach over 880 million Swiss francs, and that our expenditure will amount to about 768 million Swiss francs. Fiscal Year Program Funding State Allocations; 2020: State Energy Program Weatherization Assistance Program: $56,000,000. WIPO’s Strategic Goals and Programs are aligned with the priorities set in the 2030 Agenda. WIPO PROGRAM AND BUDGET for the 2012/13 biennium eBook: taha, Consultant expert dr mohamed: Amazon.in: Kindle Store WIPO’s 50th Anniversary as a target for Action on WIPO’s Governance. to be submitted to the 40th Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO and to the 31st Session of the WIPO General Assembly . Financial Management Report for the 2014/15 Biennium, Rapport de gestion financiere pour l’exercice biennal 2014 2015, Informe de gestión financiera del bienio 2014/15. This search facility features: flexible search syntax; automatic word stemming and relevance ranking; as well as graphical results. Uploaded by: Knoema. The WIPO Academy has just published its year in review report for 2020 entitled “Sharing Knowledge and Building IP Skills” For best results, please complete this form in Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Bajaj Auto 4,089.50 386.2. Proposal by Group B on Agenda Item 17: Governance Issues, Proposition du Groupe B concernant le point 17 de l’ordre du jour : questions relatives a la gouvernance, Propuesta del Grupo B sobre el punto 17 del Orden del día: cuestiones relativas a la gobernanza, ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ГРУППЫ B ПО ПУНКТУ 17 ПОВЕСТКИ ДНЯ: ВОПРОСЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ, Further Update on Proposal Concerning Hedging Strategy for PCT Income, Etat actualise de la proposition concernant la strategie de couverture des risques de change pour les recettes du PCT, Información actualizada adicional sobre la propuesta relativa a la estrategia de cobertura de los ingresos del PCT, ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ОБНОВЛЕННАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ О ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИИ В ОТНОШЕНИИ СТРАТЕГИИ ХЕДЖИРОВАНИЯ ДОХОДОВ РСТ, Proposals (18) received from Member States to host a WIPO External Office in the 2016-2017 biennium, Propositions (18) reçues des États membres pour accueillir un bureau extérieur de l’OMPI durant l’exercice biennal 2016-2017, Propuestas (18) recibidas de Estados miembros de la OMPI para We will contact only a selection of users based on their profile and their use of the systems. The policy will address both the mainstreaming of gender in the work of WIPO Programs and gender equality in the WIPO workplace with specific measures and targets for improving gender balance at all levels by 2020. 27 September - 5 October 2004 . 2. 3. ОТЧЕТ ОБ УПРАВЛЕНИИ ФИНАНСОВОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬЮ ЗА ДВУХЛЕТНИЙ ПЕРИОД 2014-2015 ГГ. Of our overall income, nearly 95 percent will come from the fee-paid services which we provide to users of the international systems through the PCT, Madrid and Hague Systems. A group of states launched a far-reaching proposal in 2004 to put development at the heart of the activities of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Twenty out of a total of thirty-one programs included in the Program and Budget for 2020-2021 are linked to SDGs [1]. WIPO Conversation On Intellectual Property And Artificial Intelligence (WIPO/IP/AI/2/GE/20) Day 1 27/02/2020 10:42 Ethics & New Technology: The Case for Responsible Innovation The text is basically complete.” ОБЗОР СРЕДНЕСРОЧНОГО СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОГО ПЛАНА НА 2010-2015 ГГ. Data cited at: "Program and Budget"@ WIPO which is made available under a BY 3.0 IGO License. WIPO is unusual among UN organizations in that we are almost entirely self-financing. Context: World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018 report was recently released in Geneva by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Academy is the center of excellence for intellectual property (IP) education and training for WIPO member states, in particular developing countries, least-developed countries (LDCs) and countries in transition. Program and Budget Committee Twenty-Seventh Session September 11 to September 15, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland Online Registration. The surveys are conducted by BERENT, an independent research agency on behalf of WIPO. Apply: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Indigenous Fellowship Programme 2019/2020 (Fully Funded to Geneva, Switzerland) The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified indigenous individuals for the WIPO Indigenous Fellowship. Program and Budget Committee Twenty-Seventh Session September 11 to September 15, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland Online Registration. January 2020. ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ С УПЛАТОЙ ВЗНОСОВ ПО СОСТОЯНИЮ НА 30 ИЮНЯ 2016 Г. The Role of WIPO • Forum for international IP policy making – Development and administration of Treaties • 23 international treaties – Consensus-building processes • ex: WIPO Internet Domain Name Processes – WIPO Digital Agenda 1999 • Facilitate worldwide IP protection – Registration services (PCT, Madrid, Hague) acoger una Oficina de la OMPI en el exterior, en el bienio 2016-2017. The UNPFII and WIPO in 2020 UNPFII Members held a virtual meeting with the WIPO Secretariat in June 2020. Source: World Intellectual Property Organization. 34, chemin des Colombettes The U.S. Department of Energy’s State Energy Program (SEP) provides funding and technical assistance to states, territories, and the District of Columbia to enhance energy security, advance state-led energy initiatives, and maximize the benefits of decreasing energy waste. China’s patent authority led the world in the number of patents granted with 420,144 and was followed by the US with 318,829, according to the WIPO. 20/01/2021 11:59. The Twenty-Ninth Session of WIPO’s Program and Budget Committee (PBC) took place in Geneva from May 6 to May 10, 2019. Protecting IP. The budget WIPO GREEN’s current funding is based on three pillars: 1. WIPO’s Program And Budget Stand-Off Highlights That Member States Must Act On WIPO’s Governance System. Every year we submit a WIPO Performance Report to our member states. The Annual Assemblies in 2020 will also mark the end of Francis Gurry’s term as Director General and the appointment of a new head of the organisation. Every two years, WIPO's Director General presents a Program and Budget to member states for approval. Results Based Management guides the way we plan, manage, report and – very importantly – how we learn lessons to improve our future planning. I - Development, the most important challenge facing the international community Photo: Emmanuel Berrod. We use Results Based Management at WIPO to place performance at the heart of how we operate. WIPO Development Tools and Services 6 Managing and Sharing IP Information WIPO provides tools, … Protecting IP. In 2020, WIPO will launch user satisfaction surveys for both Madrid and PCT services areas. ГОДОВОЙ ФИНАНСОВЫЙ ОТЧЕТ И ФИНАНСОВЫЕ ВЕДОМОСТИ ЗА 2015 Г. the New Conference hall project, Rapport final sur le projet de nouvelle construction In three years, WIPO will celebrate 50 years since the organisation first opened its doors in 1970.