“And you’re completely certain?”. Evans was the rare exception. He takes Harry’s dad’s hand as if he thinks it might react badly to sudden movements. “I said my dad’s a Muggle, not that I’m Muggle-born,” Harry points out, in his mildest tones. remember, everything’s tagged under the dogfather. “Try not to explode,” says Sirius, and Harry’s eyes get very big. Chapter 1 There had been a little café around the corner. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. WELCOME The Dog Father’s Pledge "Welcome to The Dog Father's Pawsitive Times Pet Services, where your pet is treated like one of the family!" That there is owl post and order-by-floo. “Dad put the camera away I told you not to bring it-–” Harry says. Can I do magic without it? “Padfoot’s my godfather!” Harry says brightly, climbing into the next chair. Do you know, when I came in I thought for a moment your father was a Muggle? He is cheerful, seems healthy aside from a cut on his forehead, with a crooked sticking plaster on it. He’s very pale, with fair hair and a pointed face. Graeme Hall ‘The Dogfather’ has been described by The Telegraph as “Britain’s best dog trainer’, Graeme criss-crosses the country helping dog and puppy owners with behaviour problems. It is appropriately weird, though: there are people in the strangest clothes Harry’s ever seen, a woman (a witch!) “My fairy godfather?” Harry asks, because his mother reads him a lot of Brothers Grimm. When a Mafia don's right-hand man, a bulldog named Sonny, swallows his ring, comedy ensues as two of the don's best soldiers try and retrieve the ring from Sonny, who has been adopted by a … But in this place, and at this time, none of those things are true. He says, “Your birth dad was my best friend.”, “Yes,” says Padfoot. “Have one of mine instead.”. “They’re a bit, um.” says Harry. It’s not like he ever actually needs a leash, anyway: it was already clear that taking Padfoot for a walk meant that both parties agreed to the polite fiction that the leash meant anything at all. He is wearing Padfoot’s tags and license on a necklace. “I’m your godfather.”. He turns back into Padfoot and flops down across Harry’s feet. by secretbeatheroes “Fine,” said Sirius calmly. They introduce themselves: Timothy and Caroline MacIntyre, and their son Harry. “I’m the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. Bad luck, all around.). And you’ll have to, before you go to Hogwarts.”, “Wait,” says Harry, “if no wizards know where I am, how can I go--”, “Don’t worry about it,” says Sirius. The thought gives him chills, just a bit, as they pass the giant and the turbaned man at the bar. To be more accurate: he is brandishing a basket. “So are you… I don’t know, some kind of werewolf?” Harry’s mum asks. He doesn’t want to wake up in the middle of whatever this is. I am not sure I can offer you that comfort, sadly. “I think you’ll want to, sooner or later. It’s a little uncanny. everything’s tagged with “ the dogfather .” Harry knows that Padfoot and his parents are worried, but very little of it … “Over his crib. “Was that Remus Lupin I saw at the door, just now? Ron has proved to be a very ungrateful and inattentive student. That's the school for witches and wizards; you'll go there too, when you're older.”. Risto hails from Finland where he was a nationally recognized bass guitarist. 5 out of 5 stars (4,977) 4,977 reviews $ 17.00. The secret Remus keeps for him is this: that the boy who lives at Harry’s address was once known as Harry Potter. He wants the whole story, and Sirius -- without quite meaning to -- tells it to him. “Hello, Harry,” he says. “No,” says Remus. Padfoot would be upset, and even once he got over it they’d have to spend all their time in the Slytherin common room, which is underground.