principles of organic farming ppt

Search inside document . Such learning processes lead to sustainable innovation. The methods of organic farming—crop rotation, encouraging biodiversity, integrated pest management, and more—are actually much older than today's conventional farming methods. report. a month ago. Organic farming is a system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, feed additives etc) and to the maximum extent feasible rely upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection. on the iFOAm organic farming principles and the first european Organic regulation (eeC) No 2092/1991, thus offering an answer to the numerous problem-atic issues in the prevailing intensive salmon farming. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Reviews. Catching and storing energy . 3.4. lennie_visbal1965. Organic Farming, benefits and scope ORGANIC FARMING Organic farming is the process of producing food naturally. Cabinet Approves Policy on Promotion of city Compost . Multiple cropping- growing different plants together in a manner that maximizes land use while ensuring good and stable production . Jump to Page . Since organic farming uses only bio products which are completely safe for the soil and the environment, the objective of eco-friendly concept is achieved. Permaculture farming generally works on 12 principles. 7 Concept of Organic Farming. Organic Vegetable Production Laura K. Hunsberger Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Worcester County 410-632-1972 Shannon Dill Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Talbot County 410-822-1244 Ben Beale Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, St. Mary’s County 301-475-4484 Principles, Practices, and Restrictions of Regenerative Agriculture Versions, compared with Conservation Agriculture. We are publishing ’Principles of Organic Farming’ to facilitate the transition to an agriculture which is sustainable, guarantees livelihood security and food security. Participatory on-station and on-farm research generates new knowledge that is shared with other farmers. They are: 1. Water has to be applied in the right amounts at the right time in order to achieve the right crop result. Organic farming: Back to the Roots Integrating Organic farming & Tourism in Sikkim Government of Sikkim. 5 years ago . Interacting and observing. One day Training on Organic Agriculture . Geographical area: 7,096 sq. Organic farmer, Martin Diffley, will provide practical how-to information on systemic and biological approaches including: rotations, weed seed-bank reduction, stale beds, fertility and tilth, predation and allelopathy, living mulch, canopy and niche in relation to the agronomic principles of an organic farming … In temperate and arid zones, animal husbandry plays an important role in the recycling of nutrients, while it is less emphasised in the humid tropics. Converting to Organic Farming When a conventional farmer wishes to switch to an organic production system the USDA re-quires a three-year transition period before pro- duce may be certified as organically grown. So, starting an organic farm is supported by the Indian government even in financial aspect. Also, from the point of economic status of the country, organic farming definitely plays a vital role in increasing it. Submitted By: Aditya Kanwal M.Tech Biotech MNNIT INTRODUCTION: It is a set of site specific ranching and farming practices designed to meet current and future needs for food, fiber, energy, and ecosystem services including, but not limited to, soil … Organic agriculture should attain ecological balance through the design of farming systems, establishment of habitats and maintenance of genetic and agricultural diversity. As noted above, the focus of the paper is predominantly European and North American, which is not to devalue the significance of developments in the Southern Hemisphere but rather to keep the paper reasonably focussed. Organic farming – definition – principles – relevance to modern agriculture and components of organic farming – integrated nutrient management 11. Organic farming, benefits and scope ppt video online download. These pioneers in organic farming in Africa are important partners of the FiBL network of long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics. For example, there will always be locations where certain crops cannot be grown sustainably or economically using the current range of organic methods. It gathers offsite energies to get converted to energy to be stored and used due to the natural cycle. Principles of organic farming • Diversity: Having many different plants and animals- Practical methods for diversity: Agroforestry- Planting trees together with crops, pastures or crops, pastures and livestock. Organic farming footprints (ofoot) | csanr | washington state. Got some really good ideas from this. They rely heavily on farm generated, renewable resources and less on external inputs. Organic agricultural methods are internationally regulated and legally enforced by many nations, based in large part on the standards set by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), an international umbrella organization for organic farming organizations established in 1972. Briefing on the principles and benefits of organic farming. Organic farming, as is discussed below, has a long history but its sudden elevation from relative obscurity merits a consideration of its development and nature. The system does not believe in mining of the soil of its nutrients and do not degrade it any way for today’s needs. producing farms is one of the principles of organic farming. Livestock and climate change ppt principles of organic farming sustainable agriculture network we found a way to farm with nature current affairs march 2017 indian Pjackson887. Biodynamics is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. This grows the plants by using organic content like green manures, etc. Due to the regulations of organic farming, few options remain for organic farmers to manage pests and diseases in their crops compared to conventional farming. Obtaining a yield. The principles of organic agriculture are guides to tailor organic practices to each individual farming location. Download now. 5. Effective Microorganisms Technology in Organic Farming. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view Vegetable Oil Industry 2017 - The Global Vegetable Oil Industry report showcases the latest trends in the global and regional markets on all critical parameters which include technology, supplies, capacity, production, profit, price, and competition. 3. This is mainly dependent on developing ecological biodiversity in the plantation farm to interrupt the habitation of pests and diseases and the development of soil fertility. Dur-ing the transition phase, growers must use cul-tural, chemical, and biological practices that are approved under the Final Rule. Organic Farming of Vegetable Crop - Sustainable use of organic resources in vegetable crops. Organic Farming Final Ppt. Principles & Practices for the Sustainable Dairy Farming, - Version 2009 2/15 Principles and Practices for Sustainable Dairy Farming (version 2009) Dairy producers aim to ensure that the safety and quality of their raw milk will satisfy the highest expectations of the food industry and consumers. Organic Farming. Organic farming – practices – weed management – pest management – 12. Basic steps of organic farming: Organic farming refers to agricultural systems reliant on green manure, compost, biological pest control, and crop rotation, livestock production, and poultry farming. Training manual for organic agriculture. It is essential to maximise both yield and quality. Lecture-1-introducing-organic-agriculture. Biodynamic Principles and Practices. 2. Principle #1 Minimize or eliminate tillage. They are driven by ecological and biological processes to provide … report. Organic farmers can learn a lot from studying the interactions in natural ecosystems such as forests. 3. The Four Principles The Principles … Reducing Emissions Intensity And Improving Natural Resources Management Through Livestock. Biodynamics is rooted in the work of philosopher and scientist Dr. Rudolf Steiner, whose 1924 lectures to farmers opened a new way to integrate scientific understanding with a recognition of spirit in nature. You are on page 1 of 16. I used some of this in my ppt, but some of it was a liitle to indepth for the age group I was teaching. report. 1.2 Characteristics of organic farming systems Organic farming systems aim to put these principles into practice. johnmar. Organic farming is based on the concept of working ‘with nature’ instead of against it; however, compared with conventional farming, organic farming reportedly has lower productivity. The demand for training in organic farming is increasing day by day. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE . ŠThe entire system is based on intimate understanding of nature’s ways. organic farming in a pepper nursery. 10 months ago. Regenerative ag = Conservation Ag + Holistic Grazing + (Organic Farming) + (Exaggerated Claims) ... Table 1. As the … ISOFAR 2015 Goesan International Organic Expo, Goesan County , South Korea, (Sep 18 … but it interlinks the crops with the forces of life such as cosmic forces, solar system, etc. use of ecological principles and processes. Principles of organic farming systems and natural resource. PM inaugurates Sikkim Organic Festival 2016. km. … Those who produce, process, trade, or consume organic products should protect and benefit the common environment including landscapes, climate, habitats, biodiversity, air and water. Information is provided on organic farming, bio-fertilisers, need of organic farming, characteristics of organic farming, etc. Ideally, the goal should be to narrow this yield gap. Organic farming is a production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetically compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, genetically modified organisms and livestock food additives. However, major pests could still be managed through manipulation of the agroecosystem processes in advantage of the crops and disadvantage of pests. Thanks for sharing! The caring, training, and nurturing of animals is considered an art in many farming communities. Users can find detailed information on organic farming in Tamil Nadu. Mission Organic in Meghalaya / Mission Organic Farming - North East. Biodynamic farming is similar to organic farming but it is one step ahead of organic farming. 5. Organic production/organic food: information access tools. Principles and Practices for Sustainable Water Management in Farming Production (version 2010) Water is a vital component of agricultural production. Farmers Experience in Organic Farming . Considering a particular permaculture design and layout, it works with nature to take advantage of self-replenishing elements. Organic farming focuses on natural ecosystem management instead of outside, synthetic farm inputs. Organic Farming - Organic Farming Making the Transition Cissy Bowman, CEO, Indiana Certified Organic | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view Best Whole bean Organic Coffee Online - If you are looking for Natural, Fresh 100% Pure Organic Coffee Online then The Exotic Bean is Best For You. Farming systems – system and systems approach – farming system – determinants of farming system – cropping systems and related terminology 13. Users can also access details related to principles, steps, disease control and organic transition of organic farming.