However, they were not a truly representative institution in the modern sense; the diets of the feudal age contained only representatives of the nobility, the Church and privileged towns who exercised local dominion over their feudal subjects. Since the rash appeared two days after Maria Josepha had visited the vault, the Archduchess must have been infected much before visiting the vault. Nonetheless, the governing system remained centralised, and a strong institution made it possible for Kaunitz to increase state revenues substantially. [109] Furthermore, under her reign, educational institutions were created to prepare officials for work in the state bureaucracy, the Theresianum was established in Vienna in 1746 to educate nobles' sons, a military school named the Theresian Military Academy was founded in Wiener Neustadt in 1751, and an Oriental Academy for future diplomats was created in 1754. [159] Sometimes, she openly admired his talents and achievements, but she was also not hesitant to rebuke him. Summary/Abstract: Maria Theresia gilt als Reformerin. A decisive part in these reforms was played by Count Leopold von Daun, on whose initiative the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt was established to train a new generation of officers on the most up-to-date principles. [133], In the 1770s, reform of the schooling system for all levels of society became a major policy. She led the marriage negotiations along with the campaigns of her wars and the duties of state. She later developed edema. Hier können Sie die Rechte an diesem Artikel erwerben. [73] Frederick himself was startled by Lobositz; he eventually re-grouped for another attack in June 1757. She detests Your Majesty, but acknowledges your ability. Her sense of justice pushed her to reject the idea of partition, which would hurt the Polish people. Karl VI. Details on the individual cookies can be found under “Cookie settings”. Later Maria Theresa even made a remark: "as for the state in which I found the army, I cannot begin to describe it. [22], The Duchess of Lorraine's love for her husband was strong and possessive. [88], Shortly after giving birth to the younger children, Maria Theresa was confronted with the task of marrying off the elder ones. Ohne eigene Hausmachtund ohne nennenswerte … Cookies are a technical feature necessary for the basic functions of the website. [40] Maria Theresa's firmness soon assured Francis Stephen that they should fight for Silesia,[e] and she was confident that she would retain "the jewel of the House of Austria". [a], Maria Theresa was a serious and reserved child who enjoyed singing and archery. [118], After Maria Theresa recruited Gerard van Swieten from the Netherlands, he also employed a fellow Dutchman named Anton de Haen, who founded the Viennese Medicine School (Wiener Medizinischen Schule). Unterrichts- und Bildungsreform Staat wurde Träger von Bildung Neuordnung des Volksschulwesens Universitäten wurden zu staatlichen Lehranstalten Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsreformen Religion und Kirche Einfluss der Kirche zurückgedrängt Ziel: Isolierung von Rom Vermehrung von [173] Her 40-year reign was considered to be very successful when compared to other Habsburg rulers. Her reforms had transformed the empire into a modern state with a significant international standing. An increase in population would also provide more soldiers for the army. Queen Elisabeth of Spain and Elector Charles Albert of Bavaria, married to Maria Theresa's deprived cousin Maria Amalia and supported by Empress Wilhelmine Amalia, coveted portions of her inheritance. During the course of the war, Maria Theresa successfully defended her rule over most of the Habsburg Monarchy, apart from the loss of Silesia and a few minor territories in Italy.