The web-application is interactive, simple and easy to use. It assists small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and transition economies to become more competitive in global markets, thereby contributing to sustainable economic development within the frameworks of the Aid-for-Trade agenda and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. North America and The Caribbean Membership Map; World Map; Members Overview; Affiliate Newsletter; Activities. Users have access to one of the world’s largest database and can easily examine the performance and dynamics of a country’s export markets for any service. Trade Map covers trade in services data as collected according to the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual (BPM): The level of data details varies from country to country, depending on the national collection systems. Practitioners from many sectors and backgrounds use the website to identify relevant standards compare information through tables and charts and run self. Trade Map - free access to world trade data (on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis) by country, product and service, to the most detailed level Trade statistics for international business development Oceania. The International Trade Centre is the joint agency of the World Trade Organisation and the UN. To access more features of the site, register for free in ITC's Market Analysis Tools platform Register >> Section II provides status update for today. Trade Map provides - in the form of tables, graphs and maps - indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies. Users have access to one of the world’s largest database and can easily examine the performance and dynamics of a country’s export markets for any service. Trade Competitiveness Map Analyse country and product competitiveness with trade flows. Graph Export in User Guide Technical Notes: Trade Performance Index (by Sector): Afghanistan … Technology and Development. Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy. Connect with us. Trade Map an online tool with monthly, quarterly and yearly international trade data combined with statistical indicators and information on trading companies which helps you prioritize export or import markets. Showcases results from the export potential assessment methodology that spots products, markets and suppliers with untapped export potential Country; Industry ; Trade Performance Index. Quarterly data are available for 147 countries and territories. Identify customs tariffs, tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, regulatory requirements and preferential regimes applicable to your product. Identify customs tariffs, tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, regulatory requirements and preferential regimes applicable to your product. ft. Two of the spaces are 21,732 sq. Funders. Effectively applied tariffs . Trade Map - free access to world trade data (on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis) by country, product and service, to the most detailed level Trade statistics for international business development … ITC - MAT Portal. World. Protection measures. The International Trade Centre (ITC) is fully dedicated to supporting the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Trade Map is free to users thanks to generous support from the European Commission, DFID, the World Bank and donors to ITC's trust fund. Trade Map; Market Access Map; Investment Map; Sustainability Map; Trade Competitiveness Map ; ITC Market Analysis Portal; Login. Trade Map provides - in the form of tables, graphs and maps - indicators on export … CGD works to reduce global poverty and improve lives through innovative economic research that drives better policy and practice by the … MFN tariffs . ITC has developed online tools – Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map, Trade Competitiveness Map, Export Potential Map, Procurement Map and Sustainability Map – that collectively help improve transparency in international trade. Trade in services data are accessible in Trade Map without registration via the following links: Guide to Chinese private investment in Africa: Insights from SME competitiveness surveys, What sells in e-commerce: New evidence from Asian LDCs, New Pathways to E-commerce: A Global MSME Competitiveness Survey, Status, Opportunities and Challenges of BRICS e-commerce, BRICS countries: Emerging players in global services trade, UNWTO-ITC National Tourism Export Strategies, Bringing SMEs onto the E-Commerce Highway, ITC supports MSMEs to participate in the 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE), Services MSMEs from developing countries explore Chinese market at the first China International Import Expo (CIIE), ITC at Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference, ITC at the sixth Aid for Trade Global Review, E-commerce for SMEs: An Introduction for Policymakers, Building Competitiveness in Trade in Services, Standards and Certifications for IT and ITES Outsourcing, Certificate in Small Business Internationalization, Public-private dialogue for export strategy, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Consultative Committee of the ITC Trust Fund, Building a Conducive Business Environment, Strengthening Trade and Investment Support Institutions, Promoting and Mainstreaming Inclusive and Green Trade, Supporting Regional Economic Integration and South-South Links, Anniversary greetings from ITC's partners, Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs), Arise Plus Lao People’s Democratic Republic, EU-Nepal Trade and Investment Programme (TIP), EuroMed Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism, Facilitating Uzbekistan's Accession to the WTO, Global Textiles and Clothing Programme (GTEX), JSF for Women and Youth Programme in The Gambia, Myanmar Trade and Investment Project (TIP), Netherlands Trust Fund - Phase IV (NTF IV), Pakistan: Growth for rural advancement and sustainable progress (GRASP), Partnership for Investment and Growth in Africa (PIGA), Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA), Local Business Intelligence - SME Competitiveness Survey.