Scholar’s entire kit revolves around Aetherflow. Your goal as a team of healers is to minimize costs, which will in turn maximize your potential damage. Fey Illumination turns into Seraphic Illumination and is exactly the same. Eorzea Collection is where you can share your personal glamours and browse through an extensive collection of looks for your Final Fantasy XIV character. You also have a chance to use Seraphic Illumination. This guide will continue to be updated through 5.0. It has a base potency of 160. Medica II/Aspected Helios beat it if the alternative was a GCD heal with Indom. Deployment Tactics at face value is fairly simple. Certain raid buffs, like Trick Attack, can often be used on adds because they have a short cooldown. NOCT/SCH don’t go well together unless the group has a set plan for shielding that prevents this interaction from happening. During the fourth floor of Deltascape Savage, Exdeath, Chain Stratagem came up during the Black Holes phase – a phase that required a heavy amount of movement. This is an interesting role action. Again, recall that substats are a zero-sum game. The meta of XIV revolves around stacking raid buffs for massive burst windows. Heals and shielding do not apply at once They roll out based on the distance of the target from the Scholar. The fairy has what is called “Pet Scaling.” The fairy heals at about 70% of the potency of their Scholar. Mouseover will go on whatever you are hovering your mouse over. Treat the fairy’s skills like they are an extension of your own tool kit. Aetherflow should be used as soon as it comes up. 66 This means that it essentially turns Adlo into a 675 potency heal and Succor into a 405 potency heal. The extreme speedkill sets that go with almost no piety are meant to be used in groups that will do everything they can to reduce healing and have everything planned out to the GCD. And Seraphic Veil is sort of a better version of Embrace? This guide will also cover some in depth healing things. You have a 20 second window to use these charges every two minutes which is the cooldown on Summon Seraph. It has a 1.5s cast time, which means that it also allows one oGCD to be weaved after it with no loss or GCD clip. This is, of course, if you won’t lose a usage because of the delay. Caster resources are created and hosted by Akh Morning. Thanks to all the groups and people I’ve run with who have made me the player I am today. This applies for specific kill times. This is your pet’s primary ability. As usual, the first to arrive will be the first to swe… This is extremely heavy hitting, and requires high shielding to survive, but lets the party ignore this part of the mechanic entirely. It is generally not worth fishing for a critical Adloquium. It can also help controller players place ground targeted skills, like Sacred Soil, a bit more quickly. This is your first heal, a carry over from being an Arcanist. This is an ability for Seraph. The net potency of this over 30s is 700. Healing is all about minimizing losses. Scholar is a new job in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn and very little is known about it as of yet. Use it on cooldown with your second Biolysis refresh and on cooldown afterwards. So the only gain the summon a Seraph is the use of Consolation? Do note however, that Dissolve Union will still create a minor clip if utilized after a non-instant cast GCD because it is still a non-pet function. Seraphic Fragment. It’s a valuable tool for progression and can be one for DPS uptime as well. Throw a whisper in for pretty icon. The gains from this will vary, and which fairy skill you use is dependent on how you want your cooldowns to line up the rest of the fight, but it is generally more helpful than you expect. Always let your party members know what you are doing. You can treat her very much the same as other cooldowns, especially if you don’t specifically need her shield. The most common use for this is ability is for when you need a small heal, as well as a shield for an upcoming mechanic. In a lot of ways, healers are the most influential jobs in any party. This is SCH’s DoT skill. Also, Angel's Whisper and Whispering Dawn has the same potency and duration, so is Seraphic Illumination and Fey Illumination. Macros can not be queued. In terms of burst healing, Recitation Succor is a lot of healing, though it does come at the cost of a GCD used for the heal and an oGCD weave for Recitation. Summoning Seraph automatically replaces your Fey skills with their Seraph variants. Welcome to r/ffxiv! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. which is an aoe heal of 300 potency, with a shield equals to the HP restored that last 30s. The Catalyze will remain untouched, however. It would likely require you to cast another heal, which is why it is lower on the priority system. Where to use these skills optimally is less determined by a Scholar’s own kit – being that the rotation is simply a DoT and Broil – and more so determined by where the rest of the raid is using their own raid buffs to line up with each other’s rotations. The problem with Recitation is that it costs an oGCD slot to use in the first place. If you order the fairy to execute an action like Whispering Dawn, then summon Seraph, the ability will go on cooldown, but the fairy will not use it. Embrace is done automatically when she’s not casting anything else, and we have absolutely no control over it. However, losing the fairy can be detrimental. Or use and select the tank from the party list as you normally would target them to heal. There is a very good video by Momo (linked here) that goes in-depth on these. Character Stats: HP: 7151 MP: 3275 TP: 1000 For example,if Biolysis is used under the effect of Trick Attack, the DoT will retain the 10% increase in damage even after Trick falls off the enemy. Weave with it when you’re naturally applying the DoT. For the sake of movement, clipping this DoT early at that 15s point can in theory be a gain, but it is preferred to allow it to tick for its full duration whenever possible. GCD heals have the lowest priority, though there are some circumstances in which a GCD can outweigh an oGCD as discussed later. Using it on cooldown will result in a usage where you can not get good value. Because of this, adding a full picture with the chart ended up looking awful. It is important for you as a Scholar to understand some of the basics of your cohealer. It is used in the optimal opener and also aligns with every three minute raid buff window if used on cooldown. This means that stacking Mantra, Dissipation, Nature’s minne, and Thrill can result in an Adloquium with a potency of 622.08. It sucks when this happens, so attempt to avoid it. Everything has a cost. The above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. This is especially true if Neutral Sect is up, as the raw healing from a GCD under it is massive. There isn’t particularly an “optimal” time to use Lucid Dreaming, as its really dependant on how you’re healing a fight. This heal is subject to pet scaling, which means it is not as strong as the potency implies. ), clipping it under raid buffs and losing some ticks on the initial application can be a gain over time for a standard dummy uptime fight. There are three key actions to keep in mind for prepull preparations: Recitation allows us to use either a prepull crit Excog (since Recitation allows the use of the action without Aetherflow to spare it), or a prepull crit Adlo which we can then Deploy. She offers mitigation and a party wide heal over time, which can save numerous healer GCDs. While seemingly weak, it’s very effective due to its lower opportunity cost. This ability does not heal or DPS directly, but enables your entire kit to function by giving you stacks of Aetherflow. 1. No macro is mandatory, but they can make life easier. These two go together because they are quite literally the same ability. This is also incredibly important for progressing in Ultimate Raids and upper floors of savage tiers. In reality, many of them do not see much use in current content. Using this oGCD will guarantee that your next Succor, Adloquium, Excogitation, or Indomitability will land as a crit. Make SURE your DPS are using their mitigation tools. If you’re going to be forced to take a loss, it’s better to get the most out of it. Literally anything is better than doing nothing. This spell summons the fairy to your side, in either her Selene or Eos stance. That is not to say that using Indom is bad. MP wise this is also really pricey. The main problem with her is that she is an oGCD to summon and so too are her abilities. When reading the tool tip, the general idea behind this skill is obvious. STMR High Seraph's DaggerHigh Seraph's Dagger A being from the tales of auracite told in the faraway land of Ivalice who was existentialized by absolute truth. Dissipation is also very useful if you need to do emergency {!Lustrates}. It can be stacked with other heal increases such as Mantra for a multiplicatively powerful shield or regen. Because of its absurd potency, it first priority is to use it on cooldown for damage. There are some very niche situations where you will hold on to a lower item leveled item. Seraphic fragment. Since Determination affects healing potency, and Direct Hit does not, many healers hesitate to stack DH over DET. Dissipation is an interesting ability. This means there is an extra delay before the next cast, which will add up to a DPS loss. Do not underestimate how much healing is saved through auto attack Feints throughout the course of an encounter. Effect cannot be stacked with Seraphic Illumination. Its adjusted potency is actually 192 due to pet scaling, while listed as 300 listed potency. And, with this current state of the job, there are many options that are outright better than Succor, such as Consolation or Sacred Soil. You can time this in such a way that you still get dissipation in your opener. Stay tuned for links when completed! At the end of the duration, Seraph leaves and Eos/Selene return without having to be resummoned. Sword of Michael (SSR)(Fire) 2. ... FFXIV has a base of 2.5s for its global cooldown (GCD). If Earthly comes off cooldown a few seconds before a raidwide, it can be beneficial to place Earthly and immediately Detonate it if it will get you above the HP threshold for survival and save the SCH an oGCD cast. Be sure to communicate with your team when this skill is coming up. Most DHIT builds have less than 1% higher damage than those with DET, and have less than 4% reduced healing. However, forcing a critical Adlo requires not only casting a GCD heal instead of a Broil, but also requires the two oGCD weaves, Recitation and Deployment tactics, to be executed in two separate weave windows. This means that they are subject to diminishing returns. They only gain one lily every 30 seconds. There are rarely some BIS sets that opt into crafted accessories. The second example is if shielding a mechanic could save you an additional GCD heal. Incorrect. Isaac will gain 3 soul hearts and permanent flight after picking up 3 or more of the following items. For multiple reasons, the largest benefit of spell speed (GCD reduction) is also the greatest detriment. Another way to cancel Fey Union early is to cast Aetherpact again. Chain Stratagem is pretty simple; this goes out pretty strictly right before our fourth GCD to best line up with other raid buff timings such as Battle Litany and Battle Voice, as well as catch a majority of the raid’s strongest hitting moves inside of it. Doing Ruin II (any ability+Swiftcast)-> Broil III (any ability+any ability) is extremely useful for maximizing your potential damage. It also reduced party magic damage taken by 5%. The main reason this is … Placing her on the tank should make the majority of her embraces go to the Tank. Feel free to drop by The Balance discord to ask any questions regarding Scholar or any other job. Because you’re not going to get the full value out of the last Chain, it is worthwhile to hold earlier usages for different alignment. Because of this, AST can use their Earthly Star, Horoscope, Celestial Opposition, and Collective Unconscious at just about any time. In addition, that skill will not cost any resources. She provides a constant passive single target heal, essentially a regen, at no cost to the Scholar. He also made the graph of party mitigation. It is a 200 potency heal with a shield that equals the amount healed. Ruin II is a very good option for movement. If the whole party is at low health this can also be used to funnel the fairy’s healing on the tank instead of other party members; Eos/Selene will heal ANYONE below 100% health and using Fey Union allows you to force her into healing the desired target. That being said, it is still better to do this if it saves an AST a GCD heal, as it is a 10 potency swing in their favor. Both of these are comparatively only an 90 potency loss (This loss is from using a Ruin II to weave, instead of a Broil III). Each Aetherflow ability we use grants 10 Fairy Gauge, which can then be used to execute extra fairy abilities. This is important for all healers, including Scholar, as your party members using their tools is essential for you to maximize your potential damage output. These can all be stacked for massive shielding on the party. It just does not scale as well as Critical Hit. On top of this, Scholar has many tools that allow them to quickly heal incoming damage, most of which are off the global cooldown. It results in fewer casts in an encounter, thus is a DPS loss. This is dependent on 3 things: Clipping Biolysis early can be done in two situations: We either clip it 9th GCD on the back end of Trick Attack if we have a Ninja (NIN), or we clip it on the 10th GCD without one. The more complicated topic of discussion is Early Biolysis refreshes, and these do in fact change our opener. x4Single4Extra SkillsAuto-AbilitiesAugment to x3Single5Extra SkillsAuto-AbilitiesAugment to x3Single6Extra SkillsAuto-Abilities Its ability level can be raised using the Manasvin Warmech ability card. Assize has a special case because it is a DPS tool first, and it should be treated as such. Thus the total heal potency of the skill is 384. On Scholar, eating the 150 potency loss from Energy Drain can result in a gain for your cohealer, which in turn is a gain for overall raid DPS. First, substats function as a “zero-sum game.” This means that any stats you put into Spell Speed are taken away from other damage gaining stats such as Determination, Critical Hit, and Direct Hit. If you macro your healing/DPS spells they cannot be queued. This is done with only NIN/BRD/SCH/DRG for the sake of making a smaller chart. You can use this macro to place the fairy on the tank:/pac “Place” <2>. Noticed something great? Using it increases your fairy gauge by 10. The damage gain from Determination is linear. Proper usage of these tools can result in a fairly significant gain for healer DPS. This recast time is the time between starting one cast before you’re allowed to do another. WHM needs them to avoid clipping when using oGCDs. She is a very flexible tool in a Scholar’s kit. Check logs to make sure they are actively using their skills, if they aren’t, tell them where to put them. That said, it provides a 225 potency shield on top of its raw healing. This mechanic forced the party to break away from the boss and move into positions that weren’t friendly for positionals. Description: An ancient coin embossed with the likeness of a forbidden great axe. This is never the optimal goal, but if you drift your GCD slightly while getting used to the new refresh timing, you are still within raid buffs and the loss is less severe. A surprising amount of Scholars make the mistake of casting an Adlo onto the main tank and deploying a weaker shield because of autos. Whispering Dawn will likely be the go to choice if other options are down and/or the party is required to move for mechanics as the buff stays on party members regardless of their location, unlike sacred soil. I will go over all of the job’s skills and describe their usage, as well as break down how Scholar interacts with other healers. Without you I would be nowhere near where I am today. For Scholar, we have several methods of shielding. Remember that Ruin II and Broil III do consume your MP as often as your other spells do. A succor that heals for 4,500 will have a 5,625 shield, whereas an Adloquium that heals for 10,000 will only have a 12,500 shield, unless it crits. This does assume they will get the Afflatus Misery cast and won’t need the lilies for movement/weaving elsewhere. Uriel's Blessing III: Amplify Earth allies' damage against Water foes by 23%. Fey blessing has a resource lock similar to Fey Union, as it costs 10 fairy gauge. Generally, oGCD heals are much more efficient than related GCD heals. History Talk (0) Share. Useful for seeing how much of a substat will net a certain gain, but remember to not compare stats in a vacuum. Fey Illumination / Seraphic Illumination (SCH | applies to the whole party) Dissipation (SCH) The other type is written as HP recovery via healing actions . The sections of this guide are labeled by color according to the skill level of the section: Green = Beginner: Not doing Savage or Extreme Content, Yellow = Moderate: Learning or clearing Savage or Extreme Content, Red = Advanced: Class & Raid Optimization. There are several options to handle movement in a raid setting. But, yes, that's the idea. This ability doesn’t buff many heals in the SCH’s kit, but is very useful for buffing your cohealers GCD heals, and it will buff your Fairy’s auto heal, Embrace or Seraphic Veil. It’s generally preferred that we avoid clipping, but sometimes it is necessary to optimize. These mechanics generally require some kind of shielding to survive comfortably. It is extremely frustrating that this interaction exists, but it has been like this AST’s addition to the game. Raid buffs, like most other % increases, scale multiplicatively. Using it after a Ruin II for long movement allows you to avoid using a second Ruin II. This results in one less Chain over the course of the encounter, but it allows for three full burst windows with Trick Attack+Chain Stratagem+Battle Litany. It is an instant cast GCD, which means that you can use it to weave oGCDs. Also keep in mind that using a Deploy prepull does NOT require a crit Adlo, and very frequently it is a better idea to simply Deploy prepull with some small crit fishing so that Recit is still up for a later damage intake within the first 80 seconds. We also have many tools that can be used to mitigate incoming damage, though most of the time this is unnecessary. This is Scholar’s only GCD heal for AOE healing. The more of this stat that you get, the more crits will happen, and the harder they will scale. The shield from this spell does stack with Galvanize and Catalyze. Having problems regarding MP is often due to too many Succors. These are some additional resources that are useful for anyone attempting to further their play. High healer DPS can also provide a safety net in the unfortunate event that a DPS or tank dies. Delaying Trick and Chain here resulted in better usage. Let your cohealer know that they don’t need to heal if you are going to Indom. A common mistake that new Scholars often make is an excess of shielding. There are some niche situations that can also apply with AOE regens. That said, there are still a few downsides to using it. Raised DPS do lower DPS. That said, it is still very strong for mitigating massive hits. Often referred to as “Adlo,” this is one of the most influential abilities Scholar has. It does not work on any notable bosses, and enemies are awakened after a single hit. This will be an extremely rare occurrence, but there are mechanics that this could come into play for. This means that to get Consolation out, you must double weave. This is probably the worst heal in the Scholar kit and should be avoided if at all possible. During her duration, you also do not have access to Fey Blessing, Fey Union, or Dissipation. Give priority to non-Aetherflow cooldowns for healing. This is incredibly rare, and often only applies to specific gear sets. The choice to use 0s for the sake of this chart was to more easily demonstrate how raid buffs align. Assuming that the fairy would have gotten 10 full embraces during the 30s downtime, you’re missing out on ~1,050 net potency on the tank. If you are not going to get another usage of raid buffs during the encounter, it is best to get that last usage when other buffs are active. I can not emphasize this enough. Unlike when overwriting your own Galvanize shield, the shield size is irrelevant when it comes to Noct and Galvanize overwriting. Basically, this job is absolutely bonkers when played properly. It also grants a 20% increase to healing spells for 30s. Swiftcast is one of your most important role actions. Again, low CPM and unnecessary healing are the primary contributors to low healer DPS. Healer DPS is very important. Scholar BiS sets are designed around having the appropriate Spell Speed tier to hit this GCD. I read the official job guide, but I don't think I 100% understand the effect. Ideally, with a proper GCD recast time, it will align in such a way that your DoT will fall off right when you can reapply it. The base game starts with "A Realm Reborn" and currently has 3 expansions: "Heavensward", "Stormblood" and "Shadowbringers". Generally, macros are frowned upon. It is much more technical and complicated than this, and it is almost impossible to recoup at 0:50s, but that is the general gist. If forced to do a Ruin II weaved Aetherflow heal, a Scholar loses 230 potency, almost a Malefic IV in damage. This interaction is important; many players act as though they are the only healer, or as if they aren’t supposed to heal because they are a Scholar. This was awful for uptime, as multiple people were being forced to move during the mechanic, and was followed by a mechanic that required healers to top the party to full health. Casting a Physick isn’t going to heal enough in most circumstances, even though the 1:1 GCD cost is less per Physick cast. Gyorin the Gunbreaker asks you to keep in mind Reddiquette, follow our community rules, and be civil with your fellow Warriors of Light.. Threads on bad experiences with other players (even anonymous) as well as hate-based comments such as personal attacks, bigotry, hate speech, and name shaming are subject to removal by the moderator team under rule 1. This is especially true during early clears, as your defense stats and health haven’t scaled to their maximum yet. Abuse the 30s duration on Horoscope. There will be guides for general healing, AST and WHM, as well as optimization guides. The above list applies heavily to when gearing up and attempting to work towards your BiS set. This recast time is the time between starting one cast before you’re allowed to do another. Wand of Gabriel (SSR)(Water) 3. Below is an example of one such setup using MNK. Large spreadsheets done by Nemekh and Allagan Studies (formerly known as TheoryJerks). As an oGCDs it only needs to be weaved with Ruin II or clipped into Broil for minimal DPS loss. However, the main problem with Seraphic Veil is the problem Embrace has; you can not choose who she uses Seraphic Veil on. Weaving Recitation and Indom costs 90 potency to weave but gains an Energy Drain, which results in a net swing of 70 potency in the SCH’s favor. Spamming this too often is extremely taxing on both your MP and DPS. Because there is nothing to target in downtime, they do not lose Glare casts for using them. Usually, this doesn’t matter, as both WHM and AST have tools to potentially cover that loss, but do communicate with your co-healer about it. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It is useful if you need to save something like Sacred or Whispering Dawn for later. Wand of Gabriel (SR)(Water) 3. It is affected by Spell Speed. Stacking multiple raid buffs has a multiplicative effect. (100 from Energy Drain-90 From a Ruin II weave). Conversely their Afflatus heals are extremely powerful as they actually give a portion of the damage loss returned with Misery, as long as Misery is able to be cast. Most people who come asking why their DPS is low are simply not casting enough, resulting in a ton of lost DPS. Being able to stack these healing increases results in some insane numbers in terms of shielding.