Analysing the two components of population change in the national data, eight types of population change can be identified, distinguishing growth or decline and the relative weights of natural change and net migration — see Table 3 for the full typology. In Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania the decrease in the level of population was mostly driven by negative natural change, supplemented by negative net migration. The largest relative decreases in population were reported by Bulgaria (-7.0 per 1 000 persons), Latvia (-6.4 per 1 000 persons), Romania (-5.0 per 1 000 persons) and Croatia (-4.4 per 1 000 persons). 3 0 obj
447.7 million, down by 12.8% as compared with 513.5 million in 28 Member States on 1 … Im Laufe der Jahre verbreiterte sich sein Aufgabengebiet, und mit der Gründung der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft 1958 wurde es zu einer Generaldirektion (GD) der Europäischen Kommission. endobj
The natural change of the EU population has been negative since 2012 when the number of deaths passed the number of births. PDF generated on 09 Jan 2021, 09:11 AM The most recent enlargement of the European Union saw Croatia become the European Union's 28th member state on 1 July 2013. Country Population 2015 Population 2040 Percent change Population 2080 Percent change; EU-28 (including UK) 508,401: 528,357: 3.9%: 518,798-2.0% Austria 8,576 10,087 17.6% 10,072 17.4% Belgium 11,208 12,844 14.6% 14,189 26.6% Bulgaria 7,202 5,933 -17.6% 4,593 -36.2% Cyprus 847 954 12.6% … The population of individual EU Member States on 1 January 2020 ranged from 0.5 million in Malta to 83.2 million in Germany. Among the elderly, the share of the population living alone ranged from 45.9% in Lithuania and 39.8% in both Denmark and Estonia to 17.6% in Cyprus and 23.9% in Greece. Joseph Bech building, 5 Rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg. Decoupling of nutrient emissions from urban waste water treatment plants and population growth between 1990 and 2009 ( EU15 + Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Turkey) The chart displays changes in nutrient emissions in water from urban waste water treatment plants (and collecting systems without treatment), plotted against changes in population growth in Europe between 1990 and 2009. On 1 January 2020, the population of the EU was estimated at 447.7 million inhabitants, 0.9 million more than the previous year. 1960: not available for 'net migration and statistical adjustment' and for 'natural change', Source: Eurostat (online data code: demo_gind). This page was last modified on 10 July 2020, at 09:50. Looking back, in the year of 1960, European Union had a population of 354.5 million people. Net migration in the EU-27 increased considerably from the mid-1980s onwards, while the number of live births fell, and the number of deaths increased. Historic and projected EU-28 population Data Visualization Created 28 Mar 2015 Published 13 May 2015 Last modified 13 May 2015 1 min read. %����
Note: Excluding French overseas departments up to and including 1997. In 2015, 32.1% of the population aged 65 or over in the EU were living alone, compared with 14.4% of the total population. In 2019, net migration and statistical adjustment accounted for an increase of almost 1.4 million persons, more than in 2018 (1.2 million); since 1992, net migration and statistical adjustment has been the main determinant of population growth in the EU-27 (see Figure 2 for rates per 1 000 persons). In 2019, Germany was the leading EU country in terms of population. European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020) Population growth was unevenly distributed across the EU Member States: a total of 18 Member States observed an increase in their respective populations, while the population fell in the remaining 9 Member States. This page provides - European Union Population - actual values, historical data, … Population in European Union increased to 446.82 Million in 2019 from 446.10 Million in 2018. Over a longer period, the population of the EU-27 grew from 354.5 million in 1960 to 447.7 million in 2020, an increase of 93.2 million people (see Figure 1). Past enlargements Foundation. Natural population change is the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths. The gap between live births and deaths in the EU-27 narrowed considerably from 1961 onwards (see Figure 3). This statistic shows the total population of the EU member states in 2019, with a forecast for 2050, sorted by country. These countries are not considered in the calculation of the total production. More information on net migration is provided within an article on migration and migrant population statistics. GDP growth in the euro area and EU: In the fourth quarter of 2020, seasonally adjusted GDP decreased by 0.7% in the euro area and by 0.5% in the EU compared with the previous quarter, according to an estimate published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. Population and society (3623) Education, culture and sport (2879) Health (2587) Economy and finance (1899) Regions and cities (843) Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food (662) Transport (651) Science and technology (485) Government and public sector (404) Environment (402) Show more In the context of the annual demographic balance, Eurostat produces net migration figures by taking the difference between total population change and natural change; this concept is referred to as net migration plus statistical adjustment. Login with your Eionet account in order to see and add comments. Source: Eurostat, FEGA, DEFRA, AGEA migration and migrant population statistics, Population and population change statistics: tables and figures, Migration and migrant population statistics, Population (demography, migration and projections), Highly educated men and women likely to live longer, European Commission — Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs — Demographic developments and projections, Users of the bulk download service should register at the upper right of the Eurostat homepage. In Czechia, Germany, Estonia, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia and Finland, the positive net migration was the sole driver of population growth, as natural population change was negative. Car ownership in the EU-28 area is growing rapidly, especially in the EU-13 where fleet size in countries with relatively low levels of car ownership is increasing. Statistics on population change and the structure of population are increasingly used to support policymaking and to provide the opportunity to monitor demographic behaviour within political, economic, social and cultural contexts. The demographic balance provides an overview of annual demographic developments in the EU Member States; statistics on population change are available in absolute figures and as crude rates. Net migration is the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants. The EU covers over 4 million km² and has 508 million inhabitants - the world’s third largest population after China and India. In the EU28 in 2011, cancer was the cause of death for 1.281 million persons, responsible for more than a quarter of all deaths (26.3%). previous. In relative terms, Malta (40.4 per 1 000 persons), Luxembourg (16.6 ), Cyprus (9.6) and Spain (9.5) had the highest crude rates of net migration in 2019, while Latvia (-1.8 per 1 000 persons), Romania (-1.2), France (-0.8) and Croatia (-0.6) recorded the largest negative crude net migration rates. 3 This page has been accessed 229,180 times. Between 1960 and 2020, the population of the EU grew from 354.5 million to 447.7 million, an increase of 93.2 million people. Data Visualization. Tel: +352430136789. Data source: Eurostat. The natural change of the EU population has been negative since 2012, with more deaths than births recorded in the EU (4.7 million deaths and 4.2 million births in 2019). Bulk downloading instructions are on this page (item #7). %PDF-1.5
In this case, the EU-27’s overall population decline or growth is likely to depend largely on the contribution made by migration.